During the holiday season there are students who have single parents on fixed income and just don't have the extra cash to buy the gifts that their child has truly earned.
We at
Keep The School Safe, Inc., raise funds to sponsor as many families in need that we can on the amount of donations we receive for this project. Email us at
info@keeptheschoolsafe.org for details to help a family in need for the holidays.
As true to our mission, we at Keep The School Safe, Inc. make it one of our priorities to raise funds to help supply students with uniforms, book vouchers, educational items, educational events, food vouchers and assist with schools that are lacking educational supplies to help further students education. Your donations help sponsor students and schools in need. Email us at info@keeptheschoolsafe.org for details. Any amount of donations count. We ask you to please donate.
We have Corporate Sponsorship Packages available allowing large businesses and major corporations to donate to every project within our organization. Your donation helps continue this positive movement to help our youth's educational future.
Email us at
info@keeptheschoolsafe.org for packages.
We ask that you please make a donation to this positive organization that's here to make a difference in our students' futures for the better. Every dollar you donate helps us help students and schools in need. Your donation will also be able to help with our educational tour from artists and motivational speakers letting them know we care about their future and offering them tutoring and mentoring programs.
Become a part of an organization that truly believes in what their purpose is and how they are here to support and educate our youth to become all that they can be. They are our future doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, police officers, teachers, actors, singers, musicians plus more. Call us for details.
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